The Cutting Edge: Week of May 24th


Ecosystem Updates

No major updates this week, just building.


  • The agency’s Treasury funding proposal for a 1-year of work span has been passed successfully. This has also become the referendum with the highest number of voters in the history of Edgeware’s Governance. {Referendum 39, Referendum type: SuperMajorityApprove, Democracy Proposal ID:36, Treasury Proposal ID:31}
  • Treasury funding proposal to integrate Biconomy’s multichain meta-transaction infrastructure on Edgeware EVM has also been passed successfully. {Referendum 40, Referendum type: SuperMajorityApprove, Democracy Proposal ID:34, Treasury Proposal ID:30}
  • Democracy Proposal #35 was accidentally created and it has become Referendum 41. So it is advised to reject (aka vote ‘Nay’).


  • All community members are invited to participate in the ‘Edgeware Culture & Values survey’ by Grant Dever. (The survey will remain open until 2nd June.)
  • The Calendar of events has many items each week, meetings on NFTs, DAOs, chain strategy and governance- whatever you're interested in, take a look.
  • Trending Community Research thread(s):

> 'Out on the edge' a collective vision for the future of Edgeware

> Commonwealth interface grant for Edgeware - Stage 2

> Chico Crypto collaboration funding


  • The next Edgeware All-Community call will be hosted on June 2nd, 2021. Each month, different individuals/entities from the agency, builder guild, different working groups and enthusiasts come together to speak on various essential topics, ideas and updates related to Edgeware. If you missed it, you can find the meeting notes with recordings here.
