Introducing GiftDrops

Commemorative drops and EDGPass for EDGizens!

Introducing GiftDrops


Edgeware GiftDrops is a series of free commemorative mint drops for the EDGizens! Through the GiftDrops, EDGizens can have their ‘Proof of Community Presence’ on different occasions like events, activities and global festivals in the form of an NFTs collection.

The first ever GiftDrop edition aka the Halloween Edition was launched on 31st of October and will be concluding at 11.59 pm Pacific Time on 2nd of November. The community members can grab their first-ever Proof of Community Presence until the end of All Souls' Day (3rd day of the Halloween festival).

The key propositions of the GiftDrops series are as follows:

  • Act as the 'Proof of Community Presence' to recognise the real engagement/interactions by the community members.
  • Introduce Edgeware to the outside explorers
  • Retention of the active community members by the subsequent future GiftDrops and surprise random drops under the EDGPass program


GiftDrops series utilizes the Edition Drop contract by ThirdWeb which is based on the ERC1155 standard unlike the CSP series utilizing the NFT Drop contract by ThirdWeb based on the ERC721 standard. The front-end implementation on the website is based on the CSP page developed by Jan Kraus.

Know more here:

Citizen Benefits

GiftDrops are directly linked to the good old EDGPass concept to introduce the Citizen Benefits which will be random in nature and won’t be preannounced to avoid any exploitation. Citizen Benefits comes with Citizen Responsibilities and that means the future random drops will benefit the EDGPass holders with a validator or nominator set up more. Such a multiplier-based reward structure will be possible after the introduction of Staking Precompiles on EdgeEVM.


The role tiers for the EDGPass:

  • EDGPass Genesis {exclusive for the first GiftDrop edition}
  • EDGPass Silver {claimable after 2 GiftDrop mints}
  • EDGPass Gold {claimable after 5 GiftDrop mints}
  • EDGPass Platinum {claimable after 10 GiftDrop mints or a CSP mint}
  • EDGPass Reserve {claimable after 20 GiftDrop mints or 2+ CSP mints}

What’s next in the pipeline:

  • Gas-less claim by meta transactions
  • NFT page/widget to view all the Edgeverse NFTs in one place
  • Leaderboard
  • Automated discord role-claiming mechanism

How to mint the GiftDrops and/or claim discord roles?

  • Use the automated Ecosystem Widget or trustless Tools page to transfer the EDG from the EdgeWASM/substrate environment to the EdgeEVM environment.
  • Head over to and connect any EdgeEVM-compatible wallet to mint the free GiftDrop.
  • If you don’t have EDG to pay the ultra-low gas fees, you can open a ticket on the discord server and the contributors will happily transfer a small amount of EDGs to your address.
  • Upon minting to claim the discord roles, you can again use the ticketing system for now and this manual flow will be replaced by automated tooling in future.

Upcoming GiftDrop occasions:

  • AusCryptoCon {11th - 12th November}
  • ETHIndia and BIW {2nd-11th December}

About Edgeware

Edgeware is a community-owned dual smart contracts solochain built on Substrate which started as a fairly distributed governance experiment and then evolved into a self-sustainable ecosystem without any kind of external backing. The network showcases robust on-chain governance with a dramatic legacy and a collectively managed treasury, enabling EDG holders to fund and incubate contributors/projects fuelling the self-sustainability loop.

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