The Week in EDG: March 19

The Tokyo Upgrade has passed governance approval and is now in the dispatch cue, where it will execute across the network bringing EVM compatibility and support for Chainbridge to Mainnet in roughly 6.5 days.

The Week in EDG: March 19


  • The Tokyo Upgrade has passed governance approval and is now in the dispatch cue, where it will execute across the network bringing EVM compatibility and support for Chainbridge to Mainnet in roughly 6.5 days. More details.
  • Just in time, our new Developer Advocate Cameron Nazarko has updated the smart contract docs, which you can explore here.

Ecosystem Updates
The multi-chain governance and community interface.Updates:

  • Tracking the stages of proposals is live.
  • Linking threads to proposals is live.
  • Links between different types of proposals have been added (making it easy to navigate between treasury proposal <-> democracy proposal <-> referendum for example).
  • Search and members pages updates soon.
  • Work on bounties interface is ongoing.

DTrade is a platform for trading perpetuals and options on Edgeware.
"DTrade Raises Pre-Seed Round Led by Polychain Capital for a Decentralized Derivatives Exchange on Polkadot."

Decent Partners
Decent is a 'metadao' that seeks to create crypto-native public media.Decent shared their recent progress in crafting their offer to Edgeware users in return for an upcoming treasury proposal to fund digital arts and media assets in the public's interest.

Lexbridge is a technological bridge to jurisdictions in the US - launch a DAO, and get a Series LLC mapped to that DAO.LexBridge has started development of its first Milestone, to bring legal entities for Edgeware users' accounts. These features allow a DAO's crypto assets to be protected in tax-friendly Wyoming. Ongoing updates are available through the bimonthly DAO working group call.

Webb is a privacy technology designer launched from Commonwealth Labs.
Webb has launched a v1 mixer and a finished UI with relayers for transmitting transactions on behalf of users. The team has also onboarded a designer to help polish the UI/UX further.

EU-Identity compliant document notarization and transfer service.
4thTech announced recently that they launched on Edgeware in order to take advantage of Polkadot interoperability and low fees.


The week features many proposals to fund the integration costs into Exchanges B and C, as well as increasing funds for market maker support for these new exchanges.


  • The Calendar of events has many items each week, meetings on NFTs, DAOs, chain strategy and governance- whatever you're interested in, take a look.
  • Edgeware Africa is beginning to grow! This working group is hosting it's first event, Know Your Edge, and the telegram channel is also discussing ways to educated developers in Nigeria and abroad. Join the conversation in the forum or Telegram.


  • March 19 2020 - Know Your EDG launched as a weekly seminar and intro to the Edgeware network hosted by Edgeware African lead Engr Samest, 5pm UTC today.
  • May 20th 2020 — Dot Decoded is an upcoming e-conference by the Polkadot community, and they're holding a vote to see what content will be featured. Edgeware has 6(!!) teams applying to present, so vote for them! See the voting interface here. Not sure who the teams are? We've got the guide in our Twitter.
  • April 20th 2020 — 4thTech is hosting a 2.0 Roundtable on their latest version of their document and e-notary service, which has Edgeware support built-in. You'll be able to hear a debate with their creators and representatives from chains as they discuss multi-blockchain dapp setups.
  • (Past) March 17 2020 — A Tidal AMA was hosted this week in the Edgeware channel - Chad Liu of Tidal answered questions about the types of cover that Edgeware users and defi protocols will be able to call on for their smart contracts, and we discussed the future of the insurance market online.


  • The Agency is soon-launching a yearly budget proposal as part of Phase 2 plans after the launch of the website. This proposal will help ensure that the chain is positioned well for potential token distributions to ETH holders who signaled via Binance.
  • The Agency PR Team is launched and busy! Think of a good article idea or want to write for the community? Reach out!
  • New meetings have been launched to better organize effort across the chain. Check out the Edgeware Community Calendar to see.