Edgeware Ecosystem Year 3 Recap



Highest voted Referendum: #140 (442285493.67 EDG, ~6% of the total supply, got rejected  as the 330,012,967.31 EDGs were voted as Nay)

Newly Proposed Chain Frameworks: 6 {Chain Frameworks are nothing but a set of proposed standards for better operational efficiency of the DAO.}

Total number of solo/team contributors: 25+ {who contributed at least once across the 3rd year of mainnet.}

Network Upgrades

- v3.5.1: The upgrade was also known as ERUP5 which got rejected by the community in the pre-governance discussions due to the lack of tests.

- v4.0.0: Developed by Remz with cherry-picked commits from ERUP4 (developed by Drew & Raymond) and ERUP5 (developed by Filip). Community validator KDPnetstake found a critical signature synchronisation error issue in this release while testing on the Beresheet testnet due to the transition from the legacy substrate v2 directly to the substrate v4. Parity developer Bastian Köcher developed a Compatibility Mode for the same and Remz backported it to the v4.0.1 release.

- v4.0.1: KDPnetstake found a staking election bug while yet another testing on the Beresheet testnet which was fixed by Remz in the v4.0.2 release.

- v4.0.2: This is the release that made it on-chain as a democracy referendum which got approved by the community and merged to the mainnet.

Social Media Stats

Community-run Events


