Edgeware Community Hubs

Edgeware is community-owned at launch - and several leaders have already created official and unofficial meeting points to share information, discuss the ecosystem, smart contract development and validation. Here is the current list:

Official (Commonwealth Labs-managed) Hubs:

Commonwealth Interface: Discuss Proposals via forum and soon manage the governance features for Edgeware.

Our favorite and best way to reach the team for Tech issues or more. Features language specific channels also.

Twitter: Stay in touch.

Telegram: It wouldn't be crypto without one.

Community-Led Hubs

Telegram: Edgeware Türkiye 🇹🇷: Led by official Edgeware Ambassadors.

Telegram: Edgeware India 🇮🇳: Led by official Edgeware Ambassadors.

WeChat: Edgeware&Wetez 🇨🇳
A Chinese and private WeChat led by Staking group Wetez, contact WeChat ID kamiesheep for invite.

Interested in leading your own Edgeware Hub or to add one to this list?

Contact us at thom@commonwealth.im