EDG Developer Update: Nov 27 - Dec 10, 2022

Keeping you up to date on all things technical related to Edgeware and more! Always in a human-readable form, we look at the code changes, so you don't have to.

EDG Developer Update: Nov 27 - Dec 10, 2022

Status updates

All Node operators and Validators are asked to upgrade their nodes to V4.0.2

  • Depth Hoar updated the Escrow Dapp, so now the IDs match the UI and the actual ID number. They have added more tests to a total of 15 unit tests. Also, the smart contract got some security updates. You can see the updates here.
  • Jan Kraus started making a new widget that will make using the Edgeware EVM more user-friendly. This automates some steps when converting from WASM to EVM and back, making things easier. You can see the example here.

Ecosystem Headlines

Ecosystem & Community


  • Polkadot-JS API v9.9.4 has been released.
  • Acala has released a tool, Chopsticks, which allows you to view a “parallel reality” of any Substrate chain, to see the effects of extrinsics submitted.
  • The November ink! update has been published.