EDG Developer Update: Nov 20 - Nov 26, 2022

Status updates

All Node operators and Validators are asked to upgrade their nodes to V4.0.2

Fixes and adjustments for keygen / tools page (#57)

* Reorder form components to give better structure

* Add index navigation on top

* Refactor EVM Deposit

* Fix issue with EVM Withdrawals

* Update RPC URLs

* Add async function to keygen/tools

* Fix the key pair generation

* Reorder tools and improve copy and formatting

* Replace Society with Tools under 'Get Started' (Society is featured in the header of all the pages)

* Update links, rearrange items, minor renaming and rephrasing

Co-authored-by: Shankar D. Warang <shankar@edgeware.agency>

Minor tweaks to tools page for EVM withdrawal and visual revamps (#60)

Small tweaks to EVM withdrawal form:
- Improve error validations and form handling
- Add display of intermediary EVM address

Visual revamps:
- Buttons for EdgeApps and Tools
- Updated highlights

Co-authored-by: Shankar D. Warang <shankar@edgeware.agency>

Ecosystem Headlines

Ecosystem & Community
