EDG Developer Update: Jan 9 - Jan 15, 2022

Status updates

  • Ramsey has created a Trello board using Kanban rules for Edgware. This is public so anyone can view it. If you would like to contribute to development on Edgeware and interact with the trello board reach out to Ramsey.
  • DepthHoar has added rosetta-api documentation. This goes over the steps to integrate a different substrate blockchain for use.
  • DepthHoar has added the new logo and colours to edgeware.app
  • During the Sub0 conference, the Edgeware agency took notes! You can check them out here. You can read through and get the main points and the slides of each presentation. It is not fully completed we will add to it over time as we finish watching the intermediate and advanced presentations.

Ecosystem Headlines

Smart Contracts

  • Our friends at Supercolony presented openbrush on the first substrate seminar of the year. OpenBrush is a library for smart contract development on ink!. It is to Polkadot what OpenZeppelin is to Solidity. It has all the standardized contracts with their extensions and a collection of modifiers. This seminar aims to focus on how to build a full-scope production project using OpenBrush.
  • Contracts pallet - The contracts pallet now automatically collects deposits from the caller for the storage created instead of having the contract manage rent. See the original PR that enables this.


  • Types replacement - You can use these traits to facilitate writing runtime constants: frame_support::traits::{ConstU32, ConstU64}. See this PR for some examples.
  • Preimage Pallet - pallet_preimage is a new pallet for storing the hash of some data, useful alongside the democracy pallet to upload the reasoning behind a certain proposal or any other pallet that may require the pre-image of some data.
  • Uniques Pallet - A new feature has been added to pallet_uniques to improve UX, making it easier to query asset classes.
  • Deterministic chain spec writing - Writing a chain spec is now deterministic after this modification.