EDG Developer Update: Jan 2nd - Jan 8th, 2022

Keeping you up to date on all things technical related to Edgeware and more! Always in a human-readable form, we look at the code changes so you don't have to.

EDG Developer Update: Jan 2nd - Jan 8th, 2022

Status updates

  • Thanks to Shankar Warang and Depth Hoar, edgeware.app has a new home on Edgware's repo where it belongs.
  • Kudos to Shankar Warang for updating the endpoints so when you use edgeware.app Edgeware is the default network.
  • Cohort Round 1: First round of Edgeware Cohorts has concluded. We have taken feedback from participants and will take it into account for future Cohort Round 2. If you are interested in joining Cohort round 2 please let us know in Edgeware's Discord.
  • During the Sub0 conference, the Edgeware agency took notes! You can check them out here. You can read through and get the main points and the slides of each presentation. It is not fully completed we will add to it over time as we finish watching the intermediate and advanced presentations.

Ecosystem Headlines


  • Our friends at Supercolony are planning a virtual WASM conference. Please show some love and upvote, ask questions, and give feedback on the proposal on polkassembly. The tentative date is March 11th.4

Community & Ecosystem

  • Gavin Wood has written the Polkadot 2021 Roundup, reviewing what all has happened in the Polkadot ecosystem over the last year.
  • Are you interested in writing scripts to help you programmatically interact with the Polkadot API? You can do that with the built-in JavaScript “mini-IDE” in Polkadot-JS Apps. To learn more about the Polkadot API, you can check out the docs here.
  • If you’d like to see what’s planned to occur on-chain without relying on the Digest, check out the Polkadot-JS App Calendar. Or if you don’t want to depend on someone else’s node, you can run your own light client node in-browser by selecting the “light client (experimental)” endpoint!
  • Polkadot entered a partnership with T-Systems MMS (MultiMedia Solutions), a subsidiary of the German telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom.


  • The Polkadot JS extension has been updated to version 0.42.4, with extension mocks for better testing and some typo fixes in docs.