EDG Developer Update: Feb 6 - Feb 12, 2022

Status updates

  • Depth Hoar has added a new branch delegation-dev with a pull request for a new delegation interface for edgeware.app. Basically what this pull request does is add a new page in the governance menu an example can be found here.
  • Depth Hoar added a step-by-step guide on how to add a new network to Edgeware's implementation for substrate-rosetta-api. Substrate chains share a common framework, Parity Substrate, and this implementation means that with minimal changes, other chains can easily fork and use the Edgeware implementation.
  • When adding a new page to Edgeware's documentation we now have to manually update the summer.md file like this for example.
  • During the Sub0 conference, the Edgeware agency took notes! You can check them out here. You can read through and get the main points and the slides of each presentation. It is not fully completed we will add to it over time as we finish watching the intermediate and advanced presentations.

Ecosystem Headlines

Ecosystem & Community

Next Substrate seminar is Feb 16th 4:00PM UTC. Live streamed from ETH Denver.

Parity developer advocate Sacha Lansky will be hosting a special panel discussion with parachain builders present at the ETH Denver 2022 conference. Panelists include developers from Astar, Interlay, Centrifuge, Parallel, Phala and Manta, who will be sharing their journeys building with Substrate.
  • #ExpectLove: Kusama is running a new valentine campaign where users can send valentine NFTs to their loved ones. Please note that these are not Kusama NFTs, but Statemine NFTs. Read this article to understand the difference and why it matters.
  • gbaci’s Treasury-funded Polkadot book for beginners is almost ready and is now crowdsourcing ideas for the title of the book. Cast your vote in this tweet or suggest a new title by replying. Here is the current draft of the book.
  • A 90-second overview video of Polkadot, to quickly explain the benefits of Polkadot, has been released.
  • The Polkadot Wiki is going through a revamp and we would like to hear about your thoughts. If you have used the wiki and had troubles with information discrepancies we would love to know. You can fill the Typeform and join the conversation on Reddit.
  • The Web3 Foundation and Parity will be at ETHDenver to talk about Polkadot. It is an in-person and online event so if you can’t make it make sure to tune in.
  • Polkadot Pioneers Prize is a funding initiative to solve some of the biggest challanges facing the Polkadot ecosystem. With 993286.08 DOT(~ $21.8 million at the time of this post) allocated toward the program, anyone can compete to be a pioneer by solving those challenges.
