EDG Developer Update: Feb 14th - Feb 27th, 2023

Keeping you up to date on all things technical related to Edgeware and more! Always in a human-readable form, we look at the code changes, so you don't have to.

EDG Developer Update: Feb 14th - Feb 27th, 2023

Status Update:

(All the node operators and validators are advised to upgrade their nodes to V4.0.2.)

Edgeware contributors Prathamesh, Raptor, ZeroM, Frogman, and Shankar took part in the ETHforAll hackathon. They won the ConsenSys sponsor track prize for the EdgeSnap project based on ChainSafe's Snap implementation for Polkadot.
You can check it out by visiting the provided link.

Updates have been made to the user interface of the Friendly Transfer Widget. You can follow the progress by visiting the provided link.

Depth Hoar:
A new version of the Delegation UI has been developed and will be released soon upon completion. You can monitor its progress by visiting the provided link.

Ecosystem Headlines

👥 Ecosystem & Community

🛠 Tools

  • Brushfam published an article on using Typechain-Polkadot, a comprehensive toolkit for ink! smart contract development.
  • SubWallet announced the next version of the wallet, featuring the support of RMRK ’s new NFT endpoint, improved connection to Astar EVM, and more.
  • Polkadot-JS API v9.14.1 was released.