EDG Dev Digest: Sep 5 - Sep 11 2021

Keep you up to date on all things technical related to Edgeware and more! Always in a human-readable form, we look at the code changes so you don't have to.

EDG Dev Digest: Sep 5 - Sep 11 2021

Status updates

The benchmark results are that 1 unit of EVM gas = 3000-4000 picoseconds of execution time, which means the amount of EVM gas we can process per second = 250,000,000.  You can read more here.

  • Bi-weekly Builder's Call: September 14th, 2:00 PM EST in the builders voice channel on the Edgeware discord. Every other Tuesday at 2p EST. Bring questions, projects to show off, and ideas!

New Video: Interacting with Edgeware EVM using Truffle.

Ecosystem Headlines


