Biconomy unlocks next-gen essentials for Edgeware mainnet's EVM environment

Making the Edgeware EVM ecosystem fundamentally stronger is an essential part of Edgeware's collective vision. After nurturing the collaboration with several oracles, here we are glad to announce the Biconomy's seamless meta-transaction architectural support is now live on Edgeware mainnet’s EVM environment. Now, DApps building on Edgeware can leverage Biconomy’s infrastructure to offer gasless transactions for their users.

Biconomy’s team have pioneered meta-transactions infrastructure on Ethereum and several EVM-based chains like BSC, xDai and Polygon(Matic). Their experience and expertise will hugely benefit Edgeware ecosystem partners and Edgeware Community is glad to have a long-term relationship with Biconomy moving forward into chain-multiversal innovations.

Edgeware is the oldest running substrate chain with dual smart contract environments, community-managed treasury, decentralized proposal system and network of DAOs. Edgeware EVM environment has a full EVM compatibility layer and tooling support powered by Parity’s Frontier pallet/module. On top of that developers can deploy WASM Contracts written in ink!, AssemblyScript. Thus, Ethereum developers can deploy Solidity/EVM smart contracts with few or no changes, while new developers can get started with Rust and WebAssembly.

This determined pursuit of ‘ease of development’ for developers and projects is something we share with Biconomy. Developers can easily integrate Gasless and build custom logic to sponsor gas within hours. Biconomy’s and Edgeware’s visions have vital importance in simplifying the DApp user experience.

As gas costs are low on Edgeware, the sky’s the limit for the innovative ways in which DApps can incentivize their users to use their DApp. DApps can sponsor all the transactions, or a new user’s first 10 transactions, or all transactions during ‘happy hours’, etc. This improved user experience will lead to an increased DApp user base and activity. Gasless meta-transactions will also ensure seamless onboarding to DApps on Edgeware. Thus, if you are building on Edgeware, integrating Biconomy is almost a no-brainer.

The strategic partnership between Biconomy and Edgeware will allow existing Edgeware EVM Ecosystem partners like Zien, Webb Protocol, dTrade, PicoSwap, to leverage the benefits of Biconomy’s 3-step integrable meta transactions’ architecture.

Edgeware is not only community-driven but also a community-owned project. Thus the treasury grant for Biconomy’s integration with Edgeware EVM was collectively voted by Edgeware’s Community by means of the on-chain public governance process called Democracy Referendum. Biconomy team was granted 3,694,591 EDG (i.e. 75k USD equivalent as per the 7-Day trailing average price at that time) by the Edgeware Community.

Biconomy team is further interested in exploring the possibility of developing their own universal substrate module/pallet in collaboration with Edgeware’s Builder Guild, an open working group consisting of individual devs as well as teams building in the whole Edgeware Ecosystem. That will allow Biconomy’s architecture to be accessible across all environments/pallets and not just the EVM environment(aka Frontier pallet).

Unlike many other substrate chains, Edgeware’s mainnet is live as a solochain. So you can start building on Edgeware today! Your project will benefit from an active community. You can also request funding from Edgeware’s community treasury to build your project. And you can start integrating gasless transactions via Biconomy to ensure a frictionless experience on your DApp.

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About Biconomy

Biconomy is the multi-chain transaction infrastructure for next-generation web3.0 applications. Through Biconomy’s powerful and easy to use APIs, developers can enable gasless meta-transactions, instant cross-chain transfers, gas payment in custom tokens, easy layer 2 onboarding & zero failed transactions. By solving these key pain points at the crypto transactional layer, Biconomy is on a mission to simplify Web 3 experiences that will drive mass adoption.

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About Edgeware

Edgeware is a community-owned, fairly distributed, self-sustainable blockchain ecosystem built on Substrate with on-chain governance and a collectively managed treasury, enabling users to fund the chain’s development and teams to build projects.

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